Category: Copywriting Tips
How to Write Headlines that Are Sassy as Hell
Looking to come up with some sassy headlines? Hoping to inject some life into your lines? When it comes to headline construction, there is no “one size fits all” formula… BUT we do have some different headlines styles that do their best work for specific types of media. A web …
Copywriting Tip: Hard-Proof Your Way to Word-Perfect
Here’s a basic but often overlooked copywriting tip that can save you and your clients both money and aggravation. It’s called hard proofing. If you’re not familiar with the term, it means that you print out the actual pages of your copy for proofing and editing purposes. When you work …
What is Colloquial Writing and Why is it Good for Your Business Communication?
You’ve probably heard the advice to be colloquial in your business writing. What’s that mean? It means loosen up, bend the grammar rules a bit, throw in a bit of street slang if you must (but don’t get too crazy now). You’ve probably noticed that over the years, web content …
Copywriting: Discover the Voice of Your Business
You’ve probably heard the term “writing voice”. What does that mean, and what does it have to do with your business communication? Just like you, your business will have a unique personality. It could be the same as your own personality… but maybe not. But before we can figure out …
Nailing The Voice in Your Copywriting
1. Reads through any and all existing communication that the client is currently happy with. For instance, if the client keeps a blog, you can read through old archives to get a feel for the client’s writing voice, values, etc. 2. Brushes up on the target audience to understand what they’re most …