Website Copywriting (Static Pages)

Website Copywriting Services

Website copywriting matters to your sales. It’s that simple. In 20 seconds or less your target reader can decide if your site is worth sticking around for. Website copywriting  counts as a major factor in that determination.

Web Copywriting Formula for Success

Good copy persuades. You want interest, engagement and action. You have a super short window of opportunity to collect leads.

Follow this tried-and-true formula for lead capture via your website copy.

  • Present the problem you help people solve. Use strong words to make them FEEL the feelings.
  • Explain, briefly how your product or service works.
  • List features and benefits.
  • Add a well-placed call to action. Get people to drop their name and email into the subscriber form, so you can reach out later with more tips and info.

Website Copywriting: Crafting a Powerful Message

Here’s the Cliff Notes on how to write powerful website copy.

  • Write in the active voice.
  • Use energizing verbs.
  • Break up long sentences.
  • Hit return after 2 to 3 sentences.
  • Break up your copy into lists.
  • Add keywords
  • Use H1, H2, H3 headings.
  • Keep the strong energy going all the way down the page.
  • Deliver a powerful call to action with a link or form to sign up NOW.

Website Copywriting – Standard Pages

Your biggest hurdle right now in needing a website is having no copy to start with. Exhale, friend. We will take care of this ASAP as soon as you contact me.

The standard pages you’ll want to include in your business website’s main navigation are as follows:

Your Home Page

Basic introduction of your target reader’s main problem and how you’ll solve it. Copy should compel, yet be brief. Include a strong call-to-action and next step you’d like readers to take (call now, sign up, etc.)

Your About Page

Crucial for the feeling-out, getting-to-know you discovery phase. Share as much or as little as you like about your company.

Keep in mind that your about page will be the first place readers go when they want to explore more about who is behind an interesting post they saw, or a product or service they may be interested in purchasing.

Your Services and or Products Page(s)

Many people run a service-based business. If you do, then this will be a very important page of your website.

Here, you must explain in detail what you offer and how your service works or what is included in your service package. Ultimately, you want people to contact you immediately. This is more likely to happen when they have a good understanding of what your services consist of as, well as the cost.

Your FAQ Page

People who are not familiar with your industry will likely have some questions. Save yourself tons of time by answering before they ask.

What are the main concerns people have before they begin work with you? Cover each in detail on this page.Your FAQ page has high value because whatever is there helps people seal the deal or make up their minds about how worthy you will be to do business with.

Plus, it’s a communication shortcut. Instead of having to type email after email responding to queries of your confused customers, you can direct them back to this page where they can find the answer in detail for themselves.

Your Testimonials Page

If you offer a product or service you’ll want a strong sales message. There’s no better indicator of your worth than testimonials provided by your customers.

If you’re not sure how to get some, just add a form to this page where readers can submit their feedback about your products or services. Collect all testimonials and edit for brevity and to highlight special features. Continue adding to this page each time you receive another kind word from someone whom you have helped.

Your Sign-Up Page

Your readers need an excuse to sign up for your mailing list. This is where you make contact with those people who visited your site and left their name an email address but for whatever reason did not reach out to you or make a purchase. If you hook your website up to email marketing you’ll get the chance to reconnect with them, and even establish a long-term relationship.

Email marketing is a very effective way to make sales, so don’t ignore it. When people go to their inboxes it means they’re ready to get down to business. Will you show up here?

Your Contact Page 

The contact page is key. No matter where on your website someone goes, they’ll want to return to a spot where all of your contact information is available.

This includes company name, main contact if you’re sharing that, phone and email, and physical address if you have one for your place of business.

Website Copywriting – Pricing

We can create your WordPress website for you if you need. OR, we can write the copy (web content) alone, and hand it to your chosen designer if you need this.

Total price for website copywriting starts at $350.00. We will be able to quote you more accurately if you let us know how many pages you’ll need and how much content you’d like us to write on your behalf.

Turnaround is approximately two weeks depending on how quickly the client forwards information.

Need Web Copywriting Support? Contact Us for a Quote Today

The more information you provide, the better I can serve you with website copywriting support. Start with an email. I’ll send you a questionnaire to help you flesh out the project.

Contact us for more info today.