Consultants, Coaches, Designers, Artists and Other Business Owners:
You need a professional bio to showcase on your business website and social media profiles. One bio is not enough. You need several bios of varying lengths, that you can copy, paste and pop in where needed.
I can help you tackle your professional bio content and check that job right off your list.
If you’re a vibrant entrepreneur with unique interests and maybe even a Big Idea that you want to get across on your site… then talk to me! The first thing we can do is get your bio up to speed. From there… the sky is the limit.
Here’s what you’ll receive with our Bio Writing Service Package:
What You Get: A total of FOUR bios of varying lengths:
- About Page bio to use on your website (about 600 words)
- Facebook bio with call to action (about 400 words)
- Elevator speech bio of about 30 seconds
- Short “About the Author” bio to post at the end of any articles you publish as a guest blogger or poster (about 3 lines of text)
If you already have a professional bio up, take a serious look at what’s there. Read it through the eyes of a potential client. Do a little window shopping and compare it to what others are saying in their bios. How much do you sound like everyone else?
Does the authentic you come across in your bio? If not… what can we do to get you there?
Coaches and consultants are great to work with; often fun and dynamic, out of the box thinkers. But if your “ideal client” doesn’t know “the real you” – then how will he or she know that you two are a perfect match?
Let’s show them who you are. Contact us for a bio writing or bio editing quote today.