Everyone who sells online, or in the physical world, wants to know how to write stronger copy.
Why Does Copywriting Matter So Much to Your Selling Success?
- Strong copywriting persuades.
- Strong copywriting convinces.
- Strong copywriting endears.
- Strong copywriting inspires.
The stronger your copy, the more likely readers will buy. And from there, your business soars.
Write Stronger Copy.
This graphic lists some simple must-know tips to tighten up your copy, so you can take your message next-level. Write these down. Then, check the examples in the graphic below.
- Use active voice.
- Choose power verbs.
- Add an adverb.
Practice makes perfect, so if you’re looking to power up your copywriting skills, keep at it. Write for different mediums. Play with words, brainstorm verbs. Have fun with language. There are many more tricks for how to write stronger copy, and I’ll give them to you in time.
These three suggestions make a great place to start.
- Practice active voice.
- Explore the use of energizing verbs.
- Choose adverbs in place of adjectives, and command the language like a boss.
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