Facebook to Blog Posts Copywriting Service

Summer Copywriting Service: Facebook to Blog Posts – Content Curating

Do you neglect your blog in favor of social media? Let’s change that with a plan to curate the best content from your FB business page to your blog or website.

Your blog is where the money is. The content that you post there, if optimized correctly, will show up on Google. This means that when people who ALREADY want what you have seek what you offer, they’ll find you and be ready to transact.

Are you a business owner posting absolute gems on your Facebook business page that few really ever engage with? I’ve got a service offering that’s meant to push those posts out much farther and make you fly.

“Facebook to Blog Post” content curating service solves the following problems:

  • You never can find the time to log in and post content to your blog.
  • You’ve got email marketing in place, but your list isn’t growing like it should because you’re not publishing relevant content to your blog or website.
  • You haven’t implemented a keyword strategy on your blog, which you must have to get found for what you offer.
  • You need a service that’s quick, effective and affordable.
  • You need a more frugal content marketing option – hiring a copywriter to spend hours writing articles is simply not in the budget right now.
  • You want to freshen up your blog to reflect the most current happenings in your business.

“Facebook to Blog Post” copywriting service – how does it work?

As your copywriting support person, I set aside, say, 2 to 5 hours to focus on the following:

  • Capturing the “best of” content sharing moments from your Facebook business page
  • Creating keyword-targeted blog posts that make use of your Facebook page best-of content
  • Reworking the content as needed, editing out non-essentials, trimming everything to fit the formula of a keyword-strong blog post
  • Adding images (either from your FB posts that you’ve shared, or from stock image sites, for each post
  • Doing a quick keyword search for different word combos to add to your blog’s tag list
  • Making sure that your landing page or a link to your sign-up form page is included with every new post added
  • Back-dating each post before publishing so that it reflects the seasonal relevance of what you had initially shared

When is a GREAT time to outsource “Facebook to Blog Posts” copywriting service?

  • When you’ve been offered a speaking engagement opportunity, and you know that after you hand out brochures or business cards, people will be visiting your site and should see the most recent and relevant content from the past, say, six months or so
  • When you anticipate site visitors after a networking event where you’ll be handing out cards or brochures
  • Just before the start of a new season, when your content can use freshening up
  • Just prior to launching a new program that you know is going to bring site visitors
  • Any time you plan to market and share your URL to bring an influx of new faces who may want to sign up for your list

Contact Dina for a project quote today.

  • Step 1: Start a new email.
  • Step 2: Outline the must-knows about your business, what you offer and to whom.
  • Step 3: Explain your goal or purpose for wanting to curate social media content.
  • Step 4: Estimate how many hours of content curating, editing and pubishing you’ll need for this project.
  • Step 5: Share any relevant links such as to your website, social media page(s) and programs, if applicable.

Email your query to dinagio@dinagio.com.