Last night I spied on someone’s foodie page on Facebook. They have a huge following and a website to match. So I thought I should study their blog in search of a good SEO hack. I found it, and now I’m sharing with you!
Here’s how I discovered their SEO hack.
I peeked at one of their recipe posts on the blog. It was for Lo Mein.
They published the keyword phrase “lo mein” a total of SIXTEEN TIMES in H2 and H3 headlines in the blog post.
Yes, sixteen! If I had to guess the word count of the post, it was probably 3K words – enough to make a small ebook!
If this is what it takes to get your blog ranked, I have done-for-you content hookups for you. Your SEO hack can BE prewritten articles
You don’t have to write from scratch. You can hire a freelancer like me, if the budget permits.
Or, purchase done-for-you content with private label rights from my other site, Wordfeeder
SEO Hack: Load Up Your Blog with H2, H3 Headings That Use Your Target Keyword Phrase
Do this in your blog and link to your blog posts from social media if you’d like to get found for specific keyword phrases on google. The ones with the most traffic make the most moolah!
Check out this post – a recipe for lo mein, to see how it’s done.
SEO Hack: Go Back to Educational Basics When Creating Your Blog Posts
The more informative content you can provide, and the more organized you can make that content, the higher you’ll score with search engines and the people who use them.
- Publish information about the history of your topic.
- Publish must-know tips about your topic.
- Publish key ingredients, tools, resources or programs needed, if applicable to your topic.
- Publish pitfalls around your topic, and how to overcome them.
- Publish frequently asked questions about the topic.
- Publish the benefits of whatever your topic is.
- Publish instructions or step-by-step how-to advice as it pertains to your topic.
- Publish arguments against your topic, and then defeat them all.
- Publish practical solutions that relate to your topic.
- Publish quotes from experts in order to validate the claims you’ve made about your topic.
- Publish stats and quotes that support your topic.
SEO Hack: Add your keyword phrase in other places, such as:
Add your targeted keyword phrase to…
- The page title of your blog, if the blog covers the topic in a more broad way
- The page description (in the header) that will be indexed by search engines
- The keywords in your page header
- The post title of the current post you’re creating
- The aforementioned H1, H2, H3, H4 etc. headlines
- The images that you include in this blog post
- The keyword links to other, related items, such as a digital product you might be selling
Also, don’t fall short when it comes to the bottom of your blog post. Search engines will expect the final “H3” heading to guide your readers to take action. This is where you’ll promote related products if you have any. Or, if you’re list-building, you might tell them to sign up for your list in this space.
SEO Hack: Hire Freelance Content Writers to Create Your Blog Posts and Do The Heavy Lifting For You.
Will you start creating “small books” to turn into blog posts so your website ranks? You can do it if you’ve got a team of writers working on your behalf. Or… sign up for done-for-you content, and we’ll help edit and fine-tune the content you purchase so it will sound unique to you and reflect the authenticity of your brand.
I can help. Email for a blog article writing and SEO tune-up today.