SEO Copywriting Service

Searching for a search engine optimization qualified copywriter? You’ve come to the right place. We offer high level SEO copywriting services at

SEO Copywriting Service Qualifications

I’ve run my own websites and blogs since the year 2004. I also work with qualified SEO experts who stay ahead of the search engine algorithm game.

SEO Copywriting Services

Why is SEO Copywriting Important for Your Visibility, Lead Capture and Sales?

SEO is not just important. It’s essential. That’s what a lot of copywriters miss, and what also took me a really long time to discover by trial and error running niche websites online.

Many small business owners who are new to having websites do not understand that search engine optimization remains critical if you want to use the web to get found and drive revenue for your business. We are not those people. We get it.

At Dina Gio and associates, we understand SEO and put it into practice for our own businesses and in the work we do for clients.

seo copywriting strategy

SEO Copywriting Strategy

Search engine optimization strategies we use:

  • Keyword research
  • Long tail keywords
  • Placement of keywords into first paragraph, page and post titles, headings, alt tags and keyword links
  • Repeating of the target keyword phrase in an individual post based on current recommendations
  • Strategic use of inbound and outbound linking where appropriate and via social media
  • Purposeful development of high quality info rich articles that fall into a niche category and explain a topic in-depth using variations on a single keyword theme
  • Informational elements in the writing including quotes from experts, credited and linked sources, and bulleted and numbered lists used strategically

seo copywriter

SEO Copywriting: What to Expect from Our Content Writers

  • Strong communication with clients
  • Exceptional writing
  • Good balance between SEO keyword use, and creative and compelling copywriting
  • Thorough research
  • Attention to detail
  • Timely turnaround

Dina the Copywriter

SEO Copywriting Services

Search engine optimization is a necessary part of having a website that many newbies overlook.

But in addition to writing a first draft of your websites main pages and cornerstone content posts, you’re going to want to put in that extra attention to detail to strongly search engine optimize each post. This takes time and concerted effort.

SEO counts as a highly specialized service. For this reason, we factor in billable hours for SEO beyond the time it would normally take to write your website copy.

For a customized quote on an SEO copywriting job, please reach out to