Product Description Writing Services

Product Description Writing Services

Product Description Writing Services. Take Away the Pain, We’re Here to Help!

Can’t bear the thought of slogging through another tedious product description? I’ll help you transform flat to fresh… lackluster to lively.

Your dreaded, product-writing drudgery is my joy and delight. I cut my copywriting teeth on this type of writing working full-time for the “R”Us conglomerate for 7 years. Then I spent 18 more years writing this and other types of business and marketing copy for small business clients.

Product Description Writing Services: Seasoned Experts

Not only do I personally have long-time experience crafting product descriptions. But I also have access to a team of writers whom I’ve worked with for decades, who also have spent years perfecting their craft honing product description copy.

Product Description Writing Services: What We Do

We’ll power through your Amazon product descriptions, and any other ecommerce website content you may need.

Examples of product copy I’ve handled: toy retail, baby products, children’s clothing, gold and diamond jewelry, auto and truck parts, power tools, essential oils, exercise equipment, Halloween costumes, and Amazon products of all kinds. Take a gander at writing samples now.

Product Description Writing Service

Product Description Writing Services: Why You Need Us

The problem with much of the product copy you come across on ecommerce sites these days is that something has quite literally been lost in the translation. It will bring my writer friends and I great satisfaction to tune up your product copy. Doing so will without a doubt increase trust in your brand.

How to Write Product Descriptions that Get Click and Sales:

  • Product title MUST contain search terms people are likely to use. Example: Men’s Yankee Cap S/M/L
  • Hook them with a compelling lead-in. Example: Posh poodles and pampered Pekingese give two paws up for this luxurious leash that’s bedecked in bling.
  • Opening paragraph should explain how the product meets customer needs.
  • Bullet out features and benefits. Example: Sturdy, steel construction won’t dent or ding.
  • Include product specs. Example: Carry case not included.
  • Follow a specific content format. Be consistent, especially if you’re writing for a group of related products. Example: If your format dictates one complete sentence as a lead-in, with abbreviated phrases for the rest of the product description, then repeat this for each product you write to.

Product Description Writing Services: Contact Us Now

Thinking you can use this type of writing support? Great, let’s get started on our first project together. Contact Dina for a product description writing quote today.