PLR rewriting service

PLR Rewriting Service

Did you buy PLR articles and now you need a fresh slant? Private label rights articles serve as an affordable content solution for your business. You get a lot of content on a single topic, for a low price. But sometimes the subject has been done to death, or the articles lack oomph. This is where the need for a PLR rewriting service comes in.

article editing service

PLR Rewriting Service Can Fix Content that’s “just okay, but not great.”

PLR articles can easily form the skeleton of a great digital product launch that makes you money. With PLR, you’re essentially getting a prewritten draft to work with. That cuts out a ton of productivity time, which means you save hours AND dollars choosing PLR.

But now that you’ve got this set of articles that don’t impress, what should you do with them? A rewrite often brings old or lackluster PLR content to life.

You have a few choices in how to approach this, depending on the quality of the information being shared in the articles.

PLR rewriting service

How to Rewrite PLR Articles

Approach from the standpoint of reworking what’s already there. Here’s how to do it.

Give the entire batch of articles a quick skim. What’s your overall impression? Check the following for a potential re-work:

  • Structure of the series – do all of the article topics flow logically from one to the next?
  • Quality of the information. Does this content teach something useful that people want to know?
  • Energy in the writing. Passive voice can stop a reader dead in his or her tracks.
  • Supporting details. Do the articles mostly contain “fluff” writing, or are useful hints and tips supplied throughout?
  • Theme. Theme might refer to the hook or angle, if there is one.
  • Niche. Sometimes all it takes to freshen up PLR is spinning the existing articles for a new market.

Once the writer has assessed the damage, she can accurately determine how much time will go into the PLR rewrite, and provide a quote to complete the job.

Examples of a PLR Article Rewrite

Changing the hook, angle or even the niche requires the ability to think on the diagonal. If you’re feeling spent on creativity, outsource our writer-nerd brains to rescue and revive your hum-drum PLR articles to make something great.

Let’s try bringing life to these tired old topics:

  • “Raising Chickens” PLR becomes Why Most People Fail at Raising Chickens and What  You Should Do Instead”
  • “Low Carb Thanksgiving Ideas” becomes “5-Star Keto Makeovers of Classic Thanksgiving Recipes”
  • “How to Sell Digital Products” becomes “Level Up Your Coaching Biz to Automate Sales While You Sleep”

How Long Does it Take to Rewrite PLR?

Will your PLR article rewrite project take 2 days? A week? A month? That’s a tough question because the answer depends on a few factors:

  • Are the articles truly a mess, or can much of the content be salvaged and repurposed?
  • Will you be required to research and fact-check most of what’s there?
  • If you’re spinning to a different niche, will a lot of the wording need to be reworked?
  • How much content will be rewritten and to what extent?

Giving a ballpark figure… if a series of short articles totaling about 3K words need to be rewritten paragraph by paragraph, that might take about 2 hours, or let’s say $200.

But if it’s more like 15,000 words… the rewrite will likely take about 2 weeks of working most of the day, every day, for about $900.00.

Again, these are rough estimates. The freelance writer must review the content in question before coming up with an accurate timeframe and quote for the work.

Benefits of Working with Copywriter Dina Gio

How Does PLR Writing Service Benefit You Financially?

The first, obvious way that PLR rewriting can financially benefit you is this: you’ll be able to turn those lackluster articles into profits. Why throw away useful content, even if it’s boring to read or lacking in some way?

A skilled writer can buff it up to perfection and monetize it; for example, make the articles into a digital product that you can sell.

How Can You Save Money with PLR Rewriting Service?

The great news about working with a freelance writer: you always get to control your budget. Your freelance copywriter can get as involved as you need her to in the project.

How to keep the price of a PLR rewrite down but still obtain value:

  • Be very specific in what needs to be done. The more info you provide, the more accurate the quote.
  • Hire a writer to create a single draft. From there, you can do your own checks on the final draft.
  • Ask your writer to quote the project at a flat rate, detailing the scope of what will be done.
  • Have the writer check in with you after a set number of hours to see if the project is pacing out as expected.
  • If you think you may be going over budget, stop. Email your freelancer to let her know what’s up.

Why Choose Dina and Associates to Rewrite Your PLR?

  • Experience. In addition to freelance copywriting, I’ve run a PLR membership since 2016.
  • Quality. We create exceptional quality content. Few PLR sellers match our level of detail and command of the language.
  • Professionalism. I’ll walk you through the steps of a PLR-rewriting project from start to finish.
  • Passive income insider. As a copywriter for coaches and online business owners, I’m well-versed in what private label rights articles are typically used for.
  • Strong project management. From the client discovery phase to the project overview to first draft to client review, rest assured you’ll be in good hands.

Contact Us for PLR Rewriting Today

Looking to launch an ebook, course or email series comprised of done-for-you content or private label rights articles? Want to do it using PLR articles, reworked with a fresh spin and/or for a different niche? This is my expertise! Visit the contact page for more details.

Or, email with your project specifics. I’ll send you a questionnaire to get started ASAP.