Marriage Article Writer

Marriage Article Writer

You’ve launched a marriage clinic or counseling service. Or you’re a relationship coach. Now you need some awesome marriage advice web content, and lots of it. Here’s what we can provide for you.

Marriage advice for young couples article writing

They weren’t joking when they said “after the honeymoon phase is up!” The jig is up; marriage is no walk in the park. For as much harmony, compatibility and companionship a couple might have, there’s also conflict, misunderstanding and daily irritation! Newly married people must adjust to daily habits, balancing the household responsibilities, money matters and more.

If you need article writing service that speaks to not-so-new issues for newlyweds, reach out. My writers and I have the life experience and writing talent to reach your chosen segment of the marriage advice seeking audience.

Marriage advice article writing for Christians

Looking for marriage advice that embraces conservative values, a God-centered and traditional approach to married life? The marriage articles you need that speak to Christian values may be slightly different than the kind of advice you’d find from psychology experts.

Article writing for the gay marriage niche

Now here’s a new segment of the marriage advice audience. Gay marriage comes with its own set of challenges, some of which may be similar to traditional marriage and other parts entirely new and unique. Let our marriage article writers isolate those problems faced by same-sex married partners in the hope of bringing clarity to your gay marriage advice-seekers.

Article writing for common law married partners

Common law marriage looks and feels like being married on paper, but the road to get there has its own, unique twists and turns. Being “married but not officially married” can bring different practical concerns as well as emotional matters to work through. Our marriage article writing team will set to the task of creating marriage advice content that speaks to the “unofficially married” life partners and live-in couples among us.

Marriage advice for new parents

Marriage changes drastically once a new baby enters the picture. With family life front and center, your “married with children” audience will need some guidance while they shift into this new role and demographic. Schedules change, energy levels shift… and of course, the budget will definitely require some modification once a married couple becomes a family.

Marriage advice for empty nesters

Husbands and wives who reach the golden years of marriage have some surprises in store… some good, some not so good, but definitely a new territory to work through in the midlife to senior years of their partnered life together. If marriage articles for empty nesters is what you seek for your audience, rest assured, our article writers will come through with sage words of wisdom.

Want a sample of marriage articles from Dina the copywriter?

Email and I will email you a sample of our marriage article content.

Get a quote for article writing – marriage advice content now

In order for your copywriter to serve you properly, this is what you MUST provide for every project.

1. Define the audience and the problem or challenge they’re facing, which you will be helping to solve by way of your product or service (can be pickup copy… just drop it in).

2. Define the goal of the CURRENT project.

3. Describe the specific FEATURES of what we’re promoting, if anything.

4. Explain the BENEFITS. If you’re having trouble pulling these out, the writer can step in and work some up for you, BUT he or she can only do this after you supply the needed information.

5. Detail the limited time only offer, to create a sense of urgency. Is it an early bird discount? Two for one deal? Will you bundle products and services for a package deal? (If you aren’t sure what to do, ask the writer – he or she likely has ideas!)

6. Define exactly what you’d like the customer to do for THIS particular piece of marketing. This is very important. It’s the CALL TO ACTION.

You must provide details like the ones I listed above, so that the writer can turn your project around quickly and to your satisfaction.

Reach out if you’d like marriage articles created for your business! Email