publish a book

How to Self-Publish a Book: Free E-Guide Handout

Do you want to write a book but aren’t sure how to start with the whole “getting it printed” bit? I’m privileged to have received specific details on how to publish a book from someone I met networking online. The information I received was gloriously specific. This is GOLD!

“How to Publish a Book” can be Yours to Download Right Now!

If you only knew how to publish a book, your writerly woes would be over, and you’d be on your way to penning that national best-seller.

Have you been longing to pen a novel, or publish your memoir? Is it your dream to gather a collection of essays from writer friends to have in print?

Fret no more. The missing piece of the puzzle, the one that every aspiring book writer needs, but very few know where to find… is finally here, at your fingertips.

“How to publish a book” need not be a mystery that stifles your creativity. Rather, you’re about to become one of the privileged writers in the know, who can guide others through the publishing process.

It’s all here, in this handy, book publishers guide!

how to self publish a book

You want to know how to publish a book. We have step-by-step information for you to download immediately.

This precious info was gifted to me by someone who worked for a major publishing house. Now I’m paying it forward to share with you.

Aspiring authors, get on my list and download the 10 Essential Steps to Publish a Book and see your name in print!

Drop your name and email into the form below, and you’ll soon have your e-guide in hand. 🙂

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