How to Make a URL Clickable

How to Make a URL Clickable and Have it Open in a New Window

Someone recently asked me how to edit the links they post in their website. They wanted to know how to make a link open in a new window.

This is actually a really good thing to know, and to do.

There will be times when you want people to click a link but stay in the same window of your site.

At other times, you’ll be sharing a link outside of your own website or blog. In that case, you want the link to open in a new window so that your visitors won’t exit the original page they were on, and not find their way back.

How to make a URL clickable (see body text of the post, below), with screen shots:

STEP 1: Highlight the text that you want to make into a clickable URL.

STEP 2: Click the return arrow to make the link live.

STEP 3: Click on the little spoked wheel to edit the link.

STEP 4: Type or paste in the destination URL.

Then under that it say OPEN IN A NEW TAB – check that box. Then click ADD LINK in blue, at the bottom of the list of links.

To edit the link code, flip to the TEXT side.

Type this in between the URL brackets:

target=”_blank” – shown exactly as in the screen shot below, spaces must be exact.

This is how to <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>make a URL clickable</a>, and have it open in a new window

so that it looks like this:

This is how to make a URL clickable, and have it open in a new window

Here’s a screen shot of the link code.

Please note, the “no opener” code is automatically added in WordPress.

You do not have to add this blurb of code when creating your own, clickable links and editing the code.

Once you know how to make a link clickable you’ll be doing it all the time and you’ll realize why it’s important.

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