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Ebook Writing and Creation

Ebook Writing Services

Looking to write an ebook but you’re not sure where to begin? Rest easy. This is my specialty.

I’ve been speed-writing ebook content almost exclusively since 2016. Before that I also wrote ebook content, but at a much slower pace than I do now.

There’s never been a higher demand for ebooks and related digital products.

The global ebook market was predicted to generate $14.16 billion in revenue in 2023, with an annual growth rate of 1.85% from 2023 to 2028. Source: Statistica

Who Buys Ebooks?

People who have problems that need solving, or want to learn something new, buy ebooks.

Imagine your reader, stuck on a perplexing issue or challenge. They need answers now.

Maybe they’re really stressed and embarrassed about their problem!

That makes an instant ebook download all the more appealing. They can read on the DL from their phone or computer.

Your Ebook Should Solve a Common Problem

  • The problem can be a specific, common issue like how to cure acne, how to end a bad relationship, how to increase fertility naturally.
  • The problem can also be more general – such as how to pull yourself out of a funk, how to reduce stress, how to improve quality of sleep.
  • The problem can be positioned as a goal, like how to potty train a puppy in 7 days or less, how to set up a small business website, how to do a sugar detox, how to navigate career change.

Best Platforms to Sell Your Ebook

You have a variety of options for selling your ebook. Offer it in any, several or all of these selling spaces:

  • Your own website
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Etsy.com
  • Gumroad
  • E-junkie
  • Lulu
  • Other sites

Ebook Creation: What Program Should You Use?

MS Word or Google Docs make a great starting point to write your ebook. Begin with a outline, or jump right in for the first draft, then edit later.

  • Format your ebook in a program like Canva which makes it easy to add images, journal pages, planner pages, goal sheets and other extras.
  • Upload to your chosen digital selling platform

Making Your Ebook Downloadable and Sell-Ready

Your ebook should be saved as a PDF to make it download-ready for buyers.

Canva is the best platform to use because their PDF maker creates live links. This makes it easy to upsell readers to other products or your services.

Market Your Ebook

  • Market your ebook by publishing related content
  • Publish the content in your blog and social media accounts, your email newsletter and more, where you share the link to your ebook sales page.
  • Offer a shorter ebook as an incentive for people to sign up for your list. You can put together a short ebook in less than a week!
  • Upsell your readers from their ebook purchase to a more comprehensive course that also includes journaling exercises, quizzes, infographics, video tutorials, slide shows, take-home assignments and other elements.
  • Launch an affiliate program and invite other experts in your niche to promote your ebook.
  • Run seasonal sales and month-long events focusing on the topic of your ebook.

Outsource Ebook Creation Services

My approach for tackling your ebook project will be very straightforward.

  • First, I’ll need to know the client or customer’s problem that you plan on solving by writing this ebook.
  • Next, we’ll outline the main chapters or topics to discuss in the ebook.
  • Then comes a list of articles to cover in each chapter. That’s when the real writing begins.
  • After I submit the draft, you’ll get the opportunity to review and make comments/offer suggestions.

Ebook Writing Rates – Pricing 

My ebook writing production rate is about 7K words in about a week, for your initial draft. Edits will take longer, depending on how many rounds of changes you’d like to make.

NOTE: You can save yourself some bank by electing to hire me for ONLY one draft, that you run with and handle editing and formatting on your own or with your team.

Contact me for a quote.

Include basic details about your ebook project such as your business name, the niche audience, topic, any articles you specifically want to include, turnaround time and any other pertinent info.