Startup Copywriter

Grassroots Copywriter Seeks a Cause to Support

Hello to my ground breakers, my change-makers… my entrepreneurial cohorts of the world. I’m Dina, and I want to write your copy.

Are you scrambling to find grassroots copywriting support?

Need an experienced wordsmith to lighten the load?

I’ve written for clients… employers… with collaborative partners, and for my own online business and website ventures, since 1997. I’d love to connect creatively with you.

As a freelance copywriting professional and gig worker, I’m comfortable switching roles and jumping from one project/client/niche to the next. But if I had to peg what really lights me up professionally, it’s this…

Dina the Copywriter wearing "I'm Not Yelling, I'm Italian" Shirt

I’m the kind of copywriter who thrives in a grassroots setting.

If it’s time to launch and pull out all the stops… if sparks are flying and you’re immersed in the happy chaos of growing a brand-new venture… if your big-picture vision is crystal clear and not choked out by process, procedure and red tape…

if “who’s on first” is an everyday scenario for you and you know that nobody is actually on first, but it’s still okay… I’m your copywriter. Put me on first. Put me anywhere you need me, at any time. I want in.

What Does a Grassroots Copywriter Do? Catch Your Fever, and Embrace Your Vision

I thrill to the energy that goes with building something from the ground up. I love it when nobody really knows what’s going on, but everybody is 150% engaged and selflessly throwing their whole soul into the effort.

Monetize a blog

I love a grassroots upstart when there’s positive change at the heart of the enterprise, real passion behind the work, and a small group of dedicated professionals all pouring into the cup of creation.

This is the type of online marketing brilliance that quickens my pulse and makes me want to dive headfirst into your projects.

Professionally, I immerse in the details… YET, I live on the edge. I’m the kind of self-driven marketing weirdo who thrived during the pandemic. I make mistakes to learn new things. I’m like the honey badger of copywriters. ;D

I believe that when the rules break down, or when there are no rules, is when real progress is achieved.

Bring me in as a midwife on the birth of your brainchild. I want your chaos. I want a front-row seat to your entrepreneurial madness. I want to be on your team of ground breakers… I want to know your ways so  that together we can forge the brand, build the dream, drive sales, pen your native tongue…

Dina Copywriter Website

I want to BE your startup, grassroots copywriter.

Reach out: