Course Writing 2

Life Coach, Psych Niche

10-Day Mindfulness Challenge – Writing Sample


Mindfulness Challenge Course-Writing Sample
Mindfulness Challenge Course-Writing Sample 2
Mindfulness Challenge Course-Writing Sample 3
Mindfulness Challenge Course Writing Journal Page Sample 4

Above, you’ll find a sample of a mindfulness challenge that I wrote for the self-help and life coaching industry. Email challenges continue to surge in popularity for coaches who want to deliver meaningful content to their clients and also need a more budget-friendly option to do so. In the mindfulness challenge, each “day” of the challenge proceeds with meaningful, teachable content and follows with an engaging exercise for course recipient to try on their own. 

Coaches who outsource email challenge content can get their project completed in far less time and with less stress. Best of all, they get to focus on other aspects of their work such as continuing to serve clients, attending in-person events, expanding their offerings, or even just taking a much-needed break. 

A life coach who launches an email challenge from their website or social media also gets the option to have their list continually expand once this affordable coaching option is set up along with lead capture. Consider offering the course as a free taste of what’s to come for coaching prospects. Or, get new faces on your list by offering a short ebook, followed by a budget-friendly email course that goes out automatically upon sign-up. 

Yes – I can set this up for you to run from your email list manager. Learn more below.

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