Sometimes it’s not the client, and it’s not you, either, copywriter. But it could be that the two of you, collaboratively, are like oil and water. Not sure if you’re a match?
Try this copywriting client compability test to how things are likely to pan out.
How to tell if you’re compatible with a new copywriting client… Thanks for watching and listening!
Do you worry, when you get a new copywriting client, that you won’t be compatible working together? This is a legitimate concern. There’s definitely a feeling-out phase in the beginning.
New copywriting client concerns? Let me help you spot the go-signs, be aware of the red flags, and figure out what to do next.
The actions you take as you embark on a new project with a brand-new copywriting client really do matter. You can save yourself a few headaches, avoid getting screwed… then power through your first project and fly on to the next cool thing, if it’s meant to work out that way.
Let’s explore the copywriting client compatibility go-signs:
Green light 1: Immediate action-taking. Client provides all of the info you need up front, prior to the start of your work together.
Green light 2: Intelligent, proactive communication. Client offers well-developed ideas and seems open to your suggestions.
Green light 3: Respect for you as a professional. Client seems willing to entertain your copywriting project quote, and there isn’t a lot of haggling (though it’s reasonable to think there might be some).
Before committing to work with a copywriting client, assess the sitch.
Determine your work personalities, respective strengths and weaknesses, and ability to collaborate.
Not every client will be the right one to work for, and that’s okay. You just have to be able to spot the weak areas where you each might fall short of expectations.
Predict this well in advance, and you can politely bow out before getting sucked in deeper into an unproductive and unprofitable association.
Copywriter Client Compatibility: Smash or Pass?
As you assess the situation, determine if you need to modify the way that you work (if that’s possible), in order to meet their needs.
An example of a sticky spot that could throw off the project is if, say, the two of you are both very detail-oriented and organized, but there’s a lack of the big-thinker perspective that’s needed to drive creativity.
If you’re able to shift your role, then you could make it work (i.e., becoming the project manager and letting them work through the finer points of the job, versus being the person who outlines, details, smooths and hones the rough edges of their creative brain dump).
Steer clear of freelance situations where either you or the client lack boundaries.
Boundaries keep your projects on point and on schedule. They’re needed to nail down and stay true to your dollar value as a freelance worker.
An example: You’ve set the discovery call for 30 minutes. Your potential client has taken the conversation down some crazy off-beat path, and you’re now barreling toward 45 minutes. This may well turn into an hour… so nip it in the bud early, and move along to the next prospect.
Your dollar value goes down each time you work for someone who steers the projects down unpredicted, time-sucking side roads.
Likewise, if you yourself have trouble staying within the lines in your work for other people, you might need a client who knows how to reign in the project and set you back on course.
More tips in the video… listen, learn and apply what I’ve shared!
Find the best clients. Land the best copywriting gigs. Ask for what you’re worth, and more.
I have some great copywriting how-to courses coming.