Freelance Writing

Copy Editor / Proofreader Available on a Select Basis

Is your marketing firm or ad agency in search of a competent and reliable Copy Editor/Proofreader to edit content for your clients as well as for your own agency?

If you have a proven track record for success in serving corporate and business clients with exceptional content, I’d love to work for and with you.

Copy Editing and Proofreading Services: What to Expect from Dina Gio and Colleagues:

Goal in copywriting and proofreading your marketing materials: polish and refine existing content meant for publishing to social media, on email, in blogs and elsewhere.  Our team writers promise…

  • Experience with editing written materials including marketing collateral, special reports, articles and press releases
  • Excellent communication skills with clients and the in-house agency team
  • Commitment to deadlines

Quality Standards of Our Copy Editing and Proofreading Work:

  • Accuracy, consistency, and clarity in the writing
  • Mastery of English grammar, punctuation, spelling
  • Ability to write in colloquial speaking style while maintaining a professional tone
  • Mindful of syntax when editing and proofreading
  • Meticulous eye for spotting errors, inconsistencies, and typos to ensure the highest level of accuracy
  • Adherence to style guidelines as needed – including the Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press (AP) Stylebook, or MLA (Modern Language) Handbook – please supply, will need a refresher
  • Consistency with established editorial standards

Contact Dina for a Copy Editing or Proofreading Quote Today.

Email with details about your project, including anticipated due date for the first copy draft.