Blog Copywriter 4

Lawn Care Niche

Article on Lawn Cutting Length

Blog Article for Lawn Care Company

This example of blog article writing took shape based on the client’s spoken series of lawn care tips that he provided. The copywriter then developed the tips as a blog-friendly format, with supporting points beneath main point made by the client.

Written blog posts hold high value because they attract search engines through the use of topic-relevant keywords. The written information give human readers something to focus on with sustained attention. Well-place calls to action, along with landing pages and /or prominently featured sign-up forms, can serve as the lead capture portion of this blog presentation that will help grow a list of engaged subscribers.

Content for a single blog post such as this may run about $150 to $250, for a max of 4 hours of writing and editing work. With today’s technology at our typing fingertips, copywriting clients also now have the advantage of easily recording content in audio or video format, for the writer to then flesh out in written format. This gives the advantage of the client and copywriter being able to connect from anywhere, via any method, in their own time and at their working convenience.

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