About the Copywriter

About Dina the Copywriter

Hi. It’s me, Dina the Copywriter!

Get virtual copywriting support from anywhere, right when you need it. I’m here for YOU.

I write for clients from home. It works with the hours I keep, and the tasks I juggle as a busy mom. I’m the one turning phrases at 1 a.m. because that’s the witching hour for wordsmiths like me, whose DMs keep us distracted all day. 

Virtual Copywriter

Virtual Copywriter: Work History

I’m someone who’s always known what they wanted to do. Yes: write copy! Create content! Words on the page: my thrill, my pleasure, my delight. Your words are MY joy! No kidding!

My affinity for writing ad copy officially began at age nine, when I picked up a Hammacher-Schlemmer catalog and proceeded to edit the product copy “for fun.”

I’ve written just about every type of advertising and marketing copy there is. I spent 7 years writing copy full-time for a Fortune 500 company. I temped at a few pharma ad agencies. Starting in 2003, I have served many, many freelance copywriting clients across myriad industries.

I also speed-write web content (niche articles). I sell the content as a monthly PLR membership, to people who need lots of content for their blogs, websites, courses and ebooks.

I’ve done so much persuasive writing over the years that I am immune to the psychology behind it.

But just because my BS meter idles high doesn’t mean I don’t still love writing for my clients. I’m all about getting behind your cause and finding that hook that gets people all riled up and ready to buy (or sign up, or attend, or whatever you want them to do). 

Copywriter for Life

Copywriting is my craft, my life… it’s just what I do. And I do it for you! 

I was once interviewed for an article about “webpreneurs” which appeared in Craftrends Magazine. Crazy, right? Yes, I’ve been doing this online thing for a while now. 🙂


Freelance Copywriter

Virtual Copywriter Who Writes without Ego

What else? I’m what you call “other people oriented” – which I think makes me the perfect person to write for you.

If you tell me what you’re up to, I’ll get excited about it and want to shout about you to the world! And that’s really why I’m good at what I do… because I do it for you.

So there you go. I’m your virtual copywriter. Let’s talk about me writing for you, right now!

Send me an email, and I’ll send you back discovery questions. Talk soon!